August 3, 2020
Dealing With Facet Joint Syndrome: 5 Ways to Regain Optimal Health
According to research, over 31 million Americans experience debilitating lower back pain at any given time. And while it’s largely left undiagnosed and untreated, facet joint syndrome is the underlying cause in 15–45% of patients. (more…)

July 31, 2020
4 Powerful Benefits of Laminectomy Surgery
Low back and neck pain isn’t something one should take lightly, especially not when they interfere with carrying out normal daily activities. One of the reasons why you may be experiencing them is the compression of the nerves in your spine. Such a condition requires a surgical procedure known as...

July 27, 2020
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore the Symptoms of Sciatica
One of the most common lower back disorders, sciatica afflicts more than 80% of Americans at any given time. According to Harvard Health, the condition is just as rampant at a macro scale, with over 40% of the global population experiencing its symptoms. (more…)

July 23, 2020
A Guide to Managing Neck Pain While Working From Home
While lockdown restrictions have eased across Texas, many people are still working from home owing to the ongoing threat of COVID-19. As remote working becomes the new norm in Houston, it has also led to a spike in the occurrence of back and neck pain. (more…)

July 20, 2020
How to Prepare for Spinal Fusion Surgery
With over 352,000 Americans undergoing spinal fusion surgery each year, the procedure is the most common surgical spine treatment across the U.S. (more…)

July 17, 2020
Common Myths and Facts about Brain Tumors
A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells that form on the brain. Brain tumors are among the most complex cancerous growths that exist and require a multidisciplinary team of medical specialists to treat them effectively. While some are cancerous (malignant), others are not (benign/non-malignant). (more…)