November 18, 2020
3 Types Of Brain And Spine Tumors
Brain and spine tumors—abnormal masses in which cells uncontrollably multiply—are either primary or metastatic. The former originate in that region while the latter spread to the central nervous system from other parts of the body. (more…)

September 3, 2020
3 Back Pain Conditions That Usually Affect Women
An estimated 80 percent of the population experiences back pain at some point in their lives—most of whom are women. Not only are women more likely than men to have back pain, they are more likely to have chronic pain. (more…)

September 1, 2020
Know the Types of Spondylolisthesis
The vertebral column in your spine consists of 33 vertebrae. These vertebrae support your body, correct your posture, and protect the spinal cord. Spondylolisthesis, which is Latin for slipped vertebral body (spinal bone) is a commonly spine condition that causes excruciating pain and limits your range of motion. (more…)

August 31, 2020
Understanding Facet Joint Syndrome
Lower back pain causes discomfort and immobility for between 65 and 80 percent of the adult population. (more…)

August 10, 2020
5 Tips to Prepare for Back Surgery
Chronic back pain afflicts approximately 65 million adults. Moreover, the prolonged COVID-19 lockdown increased this figure by an estimated 10–15%. As more people become inactive—or start exercise programs too aggressively—they run the risk of developing chronic back pain. (more…)

August 7, 2020
5 Signs It’s Time to Consult an Neurosurgeon for Neck Pain
Between 30–70% of Americans experience chronic neck pain at any given time impacting people’s mobility and overall well-being. Despite the alarming statistic, many people leave neck pain undiagnosed and untreated which only makes neck stiffness worse and limits their range of motion over time. (more…)